Dementia & Neuropsychologia
Program of neuropsychological stimulation of cognition in students: Emphasis on executive functions - development and evidence of content validity
关键词: executive functions;    neuropsychological intervention;    cognitive stimulation;    children;    funções executivas;    intervenção neuropsicológica;    estimulação cognitiva;    crianças;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1980-57642016dn11-010013
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACTObjective:The goal of this study was to describe the construction process and content validity evidence of an early and preventive intervention program for stimulating executive functions (EF) in Elementary School children within the school environment.Methods: The process has followed the recommended steps for creating neuropsychological instruments: internal phase of program organization, with literature search and analyses of available materials in the classroom; program construction; analysis by expert judges; data integration and program finalization. To determine the level of agreement among the judges, a Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated.Results:Content validity was evidenced by the agreement among the experts with regards to the program, both in general and for each activity. All steps taken were deemed necessary because they contributed to the identification of positive aspects and possible flaws in the processConclusion:The steps also helped to adapt stimuli and improve program tasks and activities. Methodological procedures implemented in this study can be adopted by other researchers to create or adapt neuropsychological stimulation and rehabilitation programs. Furthermore, the methodological approach allows the reader to understand, in detail, the technical and scientific rigor adopted in devising this program.

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