Applied Sciences
Vibration Source Signal Separation of Rotating Machinery Equipment and Robot Bearings Based on Low Rank Constraint
Meng Li1  Weidong Cheng2  Weigang Wen2  Zhiyang He2  Jiqiang Xia3 
[1] China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 54, Shijiazhuang 100846, China;School of Mechanical Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijng Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;
关键词: fault diagnosis;    low rank;    vibration source signal;    separation;    robotic bearings;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app11115250
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

With the development of industrial robots and other mechanical equipment to a higher degree of automation, mechanical systems have become increasingly complex. This represents a huge challenge for condition monitoring. The separation of vibration source signals plays an important role in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. The key to the separation method of the vibration source signal is prior knowledge, such as of the statistical features of the vibration source signal, the number of vibration sources, and so forth. However, effective prior knowledge is difficult to obtain in engineering applications. This study found that low rank is a common feature of rotating machinery vibration source signals. To address the problem of the difficulty obtaining the signal feature of a vibration source, the multi-low-rank constrained vibration source signal separation method was proposed. Its advantages and effectiveness have been verified through simulations and experimental tests. Compared with the blind source separation method of independent component analysis (BSS-ICA) and the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) methods, it obtained better clustering results and higher signal-to-signal ratio (SSR) values.

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