Медицинский совет
Management of patients with decompensation of epilepsy
Yu. A. Belova1 
[1]M.F.Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, State Budget Health Institution
关键词: epileptic status;    acute symptomatic status epilepticus;    antiepileptic therapy;    valproic acid agents;    levetiracetam;   
DOI  :  10.21518/2079-701X-2018-9-30-33
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Status epilepticus (SE) is a medical emergency when a seizure lasts without a breach of continuity or when seizures occur close together. The International Antiepileptic League assigns a key value in the new definition of SE to the dynamics of the SE progression. The identification of acute symptomatic status epilepticus is of practical importance.  Pathophysiological processes occurring in a patient with SE can be divided into two phases: compensation and decompensation. The article provides the recommendations developed for each stage of medical care rendered to a patient with SE. 38 patients hospitalized with epileptic seizures for the period from January 2017 to April 2018 received medical examination and treatment. 7 patients had to be managed in the intensive care unit (18.4%). 64.3% of patients received parenteral therapy with valproate, 28.5% with levetiracetam, 7.1% additional anaesthesia and a third of patients underwent therapy correction  with tableted forms of antiepileptic drugs. The availability of drugs is an important economic indicator at the present stage of medical care.  Valproates, prolonged forms, including ready-made solutions for intravenous administration, continue to be ranked number one.
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