SA Journal of Human Resource Management
Mergers And Change Management At The Micro Level: A Case Study
Thomas Groenewald1  Wendy R. Kilfoil1 
[1] University of South Africa;
关键词: Mergers and change management;   
DOI  :  10.4102/sajhrm.v3i2.67
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The transformation of the South African higher education landscape resulted in, among other things, the merger of three distance education institutions: Unisa, VUDEC and TSA. The macro level of the merger will no doubt be studied in detail. This article explores a micro level process for two departments merged by a top-down decision that did not take cognisance of their dissimilar functions and structures. The result was both a merger and a demerging process. The two departments first had to confront the realities of their different functions and structures before a reconfiguration could occur, including the emergence of a strategic plan focusing on aspects such as specific contribution, drivers, objectives and structure. The change management principles adopted to ensure the success of the process are outlined, analysed and reflected upon.

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