Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
Permeability and wettability of bioresorbable nanofiber nonwoven membranes
Illner Sabine1  Grabow Niels1  Ott Robert2  Stiehm Michael2  Oldenburg Jan2  Schmitz Klaus-Peter2  Siewert Stefan2  Großmann Swen3 
[1] Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Rostock University Medical Center, 18119Rostock, Germany;Institute for ImplantTechnology and Biomaterials e.V., 18119Rostock, Germany;Institute for ImplantTechnology and Biomaterials e.V., Friedrich- Barnewitz-Str.4, 18119Rostock, Germany;
关键词: permeability;    wettability;    nanofiber;    nonwoven;    biodegradable;    electrospinning;    membrane;   
DOI  :  10.1515/cdbme-2020-3119
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nanofiber nonwoven membranes produced by electrospinning provide the possibility to adjust mechanical material parameters as well as simultaneously the biologically relevant properties - a fundamental aspect in developing new implants and medical devices. Wettability and permeability are also of great importance, as they have a decisive influence on the release of drugs, cell attachment, degradability and finally the nutrient supply of the surrounding tissue. Within this work the wettability and permeability of several electrospun poly-L-lactide nonwovens, including different additives, were investigated and a correlation to membrane morphology was found. A potential modification of the permeability by the fluid viscosity was also investigated. The results form a fundamental building block in the development of permeable biodegradable implants and medical devices.

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