Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
Modification of local asphalt with epoxy resin to be used in pavement
关键词: Asphalt emulsion;    Surfactant;    Asphalt pavement;    Epoxy resin;    Natural rubber;    Epoxidation process;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.ejpe.2012.11.006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The durability of asphalt pavement is greatly influenced by the environmental changes during the year. In this paper, we prepared asphalt modified by mixing asphalt 60/70 with epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) in different percentages (5, 10 and 15%), which was achieved using preformed peracetic acid (aqueous solution 59%) at 60–80 °C, then molten cross-linker maleic anhydride (MA) was added to modified asphalt until homogenous blends are achieved. Marshall test was used to evaluate the asphalt pavement performance depending on the curing time and hardener concentration. To measure marshall test, the pervious mixture was stirred with aggregate jop formula mix (JMF) and 40% MA at 150–170 °C for 20 h and 1600 rpm. From the obtained data, it was found that asphalt mixed with 15% of ENR + 40% MA achieves a high stability (16,632 Newton), air voids of 2.5%, flow of 2.9 mm and mineral voids of 14.6%. While, the stability of the unmodified asphalt was (11,500 Newton), the flow 3.2 mm, the suitable air void value was 3.7% at 5.5% with the same conditions.

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