Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriâ 18, Sociologiâ i Politologiâ
Global inequality and the main trends in development of Africa nowadays
A. V. Liadova1  E. N. Novoselova1 
[1] Lomonosov Moscow State University;
关键词: inequality;    africa;    ecology;    humanitarian catastrophe;    population explosion;    social inequality;    poverty;    migration;    urbanization;   
DOI  :  10.24290/1029-3736-2018-24-3-87-107
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article examines the main trends and forecasts of Africa’s development. The global inequality is seen by the authors as a key factor threatening the continent today and the future. As it shows by the authors, the global inequality influences on the development of Africa differentlly: by social, economical, ecological, political aspects. The certain aspects and statistical characteristics of inequality such as poverty, resources’ deficit (food shortages and water crisis) are analyzed by the present study. Degradation of the environment is happening due to the irrational use of nature that becomes an inhibitory factor in development of the African continent. A comprehensive analysis of current and forecasted demographic indicators has been carried. Africa’s role in the future demographic processes has been characterized, considering that the continent is of the rising “demographic giants”. Migration processes from Africa to the European Union countries has been assessed, as well as the prospects of an increasing inflow of migrants from Africa to Russia. As a consequence of demographic influence together with the adverse environmental impact, the authors point to extremely low standard of living, social inequality, disordered urbanization. However, despite the fact that Africa in the early 21st century is associated with conflicts (interstate and civil wars, inter-ethnic clashes), uncontrolled migration, insurmountable poverty, environmental disasters, hunger, deadly diseases, drug production and export, the authors note that global interest in Africa and the economic community first of all significantly increases in the third millennium. It is concluded that there is a need for a balanced assessment of the main risks and benefits of Russian-African relations at the present stage. Future planning of Russian-African relations must to take into account both the tremendous natural resources and demographic potential of Africa together with the global challenges and threats it bears.

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