Holodilʹnaâ Tehnika i Tehnologiâ
Cooling System for Primary Low Temperature Processing and Storage of Grains of Small Frachioned
S. Petushenko1 
[1] Odesa Technical College ONAFT, st. Balkivska, 54, 65006, Odesa;
关键词: Refrigeration Systems, Systems of Primary Refrigeration, Storage of SmallFractioned Cultures, Heat Exchange of a Fixed Layer;   
DOI  :  10.15673/ret.v53i5.852
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The analysis of different aspects of grain refrigeration on elevators of Ukraine, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)   and in the world is carried out. The advantage of the refrigeration method is shown  concerning the quality  and   of energy conservation. A comparative analysis of various types of refrigeration machines operating on ozone-friendly refrigerants has been carried out. It is shown that it is more profitable to use heat that is worked out from refrigerating machines.

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