Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă
Application of the WQI method in the study of the quality of groundwater in the district of Causeni
Nadejda BONDARENCO1  Tudor LUPAȘCU1  Tatiana MITINA1  Diana GRIGORAȘ1 
[1] Institutul de Chimie;
关键词: groundwater;    drinking water;    chemical composition of water;    wqi water quality indices.;   
DOI  :  10.52673/18570461.21.4-63.09
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

There has been investigated the chemical composition of groundwater from a series of wells from Causeni district, Republic of Moldova. Using the Water Quality Index (WQI), the quality of the analyzed water has been classified. It was emphasized that the water from artesian wells does not meet the state standards for the drinking water. The quality indexes – the content of ammonia and ammonium ions, hydrogen sulfide and soluble sulfides, as well as the content of sodium and fluorine ions. exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), while the total hardness is under the MPC parameters. In groundwaters, the exceeding of the maximum permitted concentrations for the content of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, calcium and magnesium salts, sodium ions, sulphates, etc. was registered most frequently. Using the WQI method, it was shown that none of the analyzed water samples from artesian wells were classified as “excellent” or “good”. Only two water samples from wells entered the ”good” category.

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