Revista de Economie Mondială
Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Perspectives and Opportunities
Ana Voicu1 
[1] Institutul de Economie Mondiala;
关键词: European Union;    European Integration;    Presidency of the Council of the European Union;    Spain;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical survey and a comparative analysis of the Spanish Presidencies and their contribution to the European project. The 2010 Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU takes place in a context marked by economic and financial crisis and the new institutional framework at European level. Thus, the period ahead will be marked by major developments and adjustments in the EU due to the important changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, the future "EU 2020" Strategy or strengthening Europe’s role as a global player. The paper analyzes the Programme of the Spanish Presidency and the ability to respond to such challenges.

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