Annals of Geophysics
Generation of electric field in an earthquake preparation zone
关键词: Earthquake precursors;    electric current;   
DOI  :  10.4401/ag-3912
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Different attempts have been made to explain the generation of the electric currents before an earthquake that take place in an earthquake preparation zone; in some of them the coseismic effects are also included. In this paper we discuss the possibility to construct a model of displacement current generation in an earthquake source zone which combines polarization processes and motion of charged dislocations. Such a process is associated with the transition from isotropic to stress-induced anisotropic properties in an earthquake source zone. Concurrently, we consider the conduction currents related to a high velocity motion of charged dislocations. Another approach related to an electrokinetic model of current generation is also briefly discussed.

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