Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites
Georgia YFANTIDOU1  Malamati NIKOU2  Ourania MATSOUKA3 
[1] Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University Campus, 69100, Komotini, Rodopi, Greece, e-mail: gifantid@phyed.duth.gr ;Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University Campus, 69100, Komotini, Rodopi, Greece, e-mail: mnikou@phyed.duth.gr ;Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University Campus, 69100, Komotini, Rodopi, Greece, e-mail: oumatsou@phyed.duth.gr;
关键词: environment;    human needs;    ski center;    tourist behavior;    winter tourism;    sport tourism;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Greece has been dominated by efforts to regenerate winter sports resorts and ski centers during the last decade. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview of the profile of winter tourists in Macedonia Greece by the examination of tourists’ behavior and their physical and mental needs through a case study of Kaimaktsalan Ski Centre. Specifically, the case study of Kaimaktsalan Ski Centre is examined. The questionnaire Tourist Role Preference Scale was used in order to collect the data. This research revealed the tourists’ behavior and their human needs during their holiday. The main findings of the research indicated that half of the participants claimed that they sometimes feel satisfied with the winter tourism activities in general. The majority claimed that they are very satisfied with their physical and psychological needs during their winter tourism vacations. The profile of winter sport tourists in Kaimaktsalan ski center is mainly women, single, 17-39 years-old, university graduates, with full-time occupation and with a medium family income. It is crucial to take these results into account to employ the right measures to increase customer satisfaction. Thus, managers of ski resorts are advised to first discover the structure and segments of their clientele, and then analyze their satisfaction surveys by considering the moderating effects of lifestyles, spending levels and skiers’ skills.

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