Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
Thermodynamic life cycle assessment of humans with considering food habits and energy intake
S.P.S. Rajput1  Arvind Kumar Patel2 
[1] Department of Mechanical Engineering MANIT, Bhopal, India;Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Near Mata Mandir Square, MANIT, Bhopal 462024, India.;
关键词: Energy;    Entropy;    Human body;    Thermodynamics;    Life span;    Food habits;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

All biotic species, including humans, requires energy for their survival and obtained from the process of metabolism. Present work deals with the thermodynamic analysis of the metabolic process of humans and establishes the relation for entropy generation. Further, this entropy generation is linked with the thermodynamics life cycle assessment of humans. Data used in this work is provided by the National sample survey office (NSSO), Government of India. Entropy generation is determined on the bases of per kg of carbohydrate, palmitic acid and 20 amino acids. Finally, the life span of humans has been determined on the grounds of the entropy generation. Entropy generated by Haryana people is maximum in all states, and Tamilnadu people have the minimum among all the states. Total entropy production for Haryana is 23.59 kJ/K-kg-food and for Tamilnadu 19.71 kJ/K-kg-food. People living in Haryana has a life span of 66 years, and Tamilnadu people have a life span of 79 years. The life span for other states ranging in 66–79 years. Variation of ±3% is recorded in the life span of people when compared with the NITI Aayog report. There is a minor difference of 1.22 years in case of life expectancy of Kerla when compared to the NITI Aayog report. In current research work effect of water and air, inhalation is not considered. So one can think these parameters and analyze the variation of the result.

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