Politics and Governance
Policy Debates and Discourse Network Analysis: A Research Agenda
Philip Leifeld1 
[1] Department of Government, University of Essex, UK;
关键词: content analysis;    discourse network analysis;    policy debate;    policy process;    public policy;    social network analysis;   
DOI  :  10.17645/pag.v8i2.3249
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Discourse network analysis (DNA) is a combination of network analysis and qualitative content analysis. DNA has been applied to various policy processes and debates to show how policy actors are related at the discursive level, complementing coordination relations among them that are often analysed in the application of the policy networks approach. This editorial takes stock of the theoretical and methodological research frontiers in DNA and summarises the contributions of the eleven articles in the thematic issue on “Policy Debates and Discourse Network Analysis” in Politics and Governance.

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