International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Expertise in the Selection of Electronic Educational Resources – Conceptual Vision
Nikolay Tsankov1  Ivo Damyanov2 
[1] Souh-West University;South-West University;
关键词: digital competency, electronic educational resources, selection and experts’ knowledge;   
DOI  :  10.3991/ijet.v14i07.9922
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The current stage of training of pedagogical specialists is associated with the search for opportunities for the continuous development of their digital competences. It is viewed as a dynamic system that integrates the constantly expanding set of competencies given the dynamic development of information and communication technologies and the requirements for training in a digital environment. The main component (competency) in the digital competency profile of pedagogical specialists is the expertise in the selection and combination of electronic educational resources for the creation of a dynamic technologically enriched digital environment, which guarantees higher quality of education and consequently – higher educational results. This article presents an author's system of criteria and indicators as a conceptual vision for expert evaluation of electronic educational resources, which can be enriched and expanded in a technological and methodological context.

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