Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences
Dark Matter or Additional Gravitational Forces Generated by Non-Spherical Mass Distributions?
Enbang Li1 
[1] School of Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia;
关键词: Dark matter;    gravitational force;    non-spherical mass distribution;    Newton gravity;    Einstein’s general theory of relativity;   
DOI  :  10.1142/S2424942417500049
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The measured orbital velocity distributions of stars in galaxies and the observed gravitational lensing effects in galaxy clusters suggest that there should be more mass than that can be explained by the visible mass of stars, gas and dust in the galaxies. This unseen mass or matter, generally referred to as dark matter, has puzzled physicists for a few decades and has now become one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in modern science. So far, all of the efforts aiming to generate and detect the exotic dark matter substance have yielded negative results. Here, starting from Newton’s law of gravity, we show that the spherical mass distribution models originally employed for estimating the masses of galaxies could cause the discrepancy between the actual masses and those calculated from the rotational velocities. It is demonstrated that additional gravitational effects are generated from non-spherical mass distributions in the cosmic structures. The currently observed rotation curves and gravitational lensing effects in galaxies and galaxy clusters could be explained under the frameworks of Newtonian gravity and Einstein’s general theory of relativity when proper mass distributions are considered.

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