Noise and Electrical Characteristics of Composites Filled with Onion-like Carbon Nanoparticles
Sébastien Schaefer1  Vanessa Fierro1  Alain Celzard1  Jonas Matukas2  Sandra Pralgauskaitė2  Edita Palaimiene2  Jūras Banys2  Marina Tretjak2  Jan Macutkevič2 
[1] French National Centre for Scientific Research, Institute Jean Lamour, Université de Lorraine, F-88000 Epinal, France;Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunications, Vilnius University, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania;
关键词: charge carrier transfer;    composite;    electrical conductivity;    fluctuation;    noise;    onion-like carbon;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym13070997
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Polymer matrix composites filled with carbon nanoparticles are promising materials for many applications, but their properties strongly depend on the particle features, concentration and distribution within the matrix. Here we present a study of the electrical resistivity and the low-frequency voltage fluctuation of composites based on epoxy resin filled with onion-like carbon (OLC) of different sizes (40–250 nm) above the percolation threshold, which should clarify the electrical transport characteristics in these materials. Electrical measurements were performed in the temperature range of 78 to 380 K, and voltage noise analysis was carried out from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. At low temperatures (below 250 K), thermally activated tunneling, variable-range hopping and generation–recombination of charge carriers take place. Above 250 K, the rapid expansion of the matrix with the temperature increases the resistivity, but above ~330 K, the conductivity of the matrix becomes significant. Quasi one-dimensional electrical transport is observed in composites with the smallest particles (40 nm), while in composites with the largest particles (220–250 nm), the dimensionality of the electrical transport is higher. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of composites with smaller particles is more sensitive to matrix expansion.

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