EUREKA: Physics and Engineering
Implementation of marble waste as aggregate material rigid pavement
Dafid Irawan1  Candra Aditya1  Silviana Silviana1 
[1] University of Widyagama Malang;
关键词: rigid pavement;    marble waste;    concrete slab;    compressive strength;    concrete slab strain;    concrete slab stiffness;    concrete slab flexibility;    shock load;    concrete aggregates;    traffic service load.;   
DOI  :  10.21303/2461-4262.2021.001932
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The rigid pavement is used for the pavement with soft ground conditions (subgrade). On the other hand, in recent years, marble waste for civil construction has been widely used to substitute conventional materials such as fine and coarse aggregate in concrete. This study aims to optimize marble sand waste as a substitute for river sand aggregates on concrete pavements. This research creates innovation in the production of rigid pavement. The study used an experimental method to test the raw material, namely fine aggregate (river sand and marble sand) and rigid pavement testing, with various variations in the material's composition, including loading, strain, and concrete slab stress tests. The use of marble sand as a substitute for river sand affects the compressive strength of concrete. The maximum compressive strength of 34.67 N/mm² occurs at 60 % marble sand content. Calculation of the optimum level of marble sand by the regression method yielded 48.90 % with an average compressive strength of 32.37 N/mm². In terms of strain, rigid pavement concrete slabs with 60 % marble sand content showed the best performance among all specimens. The stretch is relatively small so that it is not so fluctuating, the flexibility is relatively small, and the stiffness is the highest. The strain character tends to be compressive so that the dependence on reinforcement will decrease. Dynamically at the shock load, the three concrete slabs are quite good and very far from resonance in both the traffic service load frequency and the large shock load. Rigid pavement concrete slabs with a marble sand content of 40 % show the best performance because they are damping faster and have less tension. Statically, rigid pavement concrete slabs with a marble sand content of 60 % are the best

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