Food Science and Technology
Transference of lutein during cheese making, color stability, and sensory acceptance of prato cheese
Walkiria Hanada Viotto1  Ana Augusta Odorissi Xavier1  Mirian Tiaki Kaneiwa Kubo1  Diogo Maus1  Adriana Zerlotti Mercadante1 
[1]Universidade Estadual de Campinas
关键词: luteína;    queijo Prato;    cor;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0101-20612013000500013
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The consumption of lutein is associated with the prevention and reduction of age-related macular degeneration. Its incorporation into Prato cheese as a yellowish food coloring is a valid alternative to increase the daily intake of this compound. However, part of the lutein added may be lost in the whey during the cheese making, or it can be degraded by light during storage, resulting in color changes reducing the sensory acceptance of the cheese. The objectives of this study were to determine the transference of the lutein (dye), added to the milk, in the whey, and cheese, to evaluate the effect of the lutein addition, light exposure, and storage time on the cheese color, and to verify the sensory acceptance of Prato cheese with addition of lutein. The lutein recovery of cheese was 95.25%. Color saturation (chrome) increased during storage time resulting in a cheese with more intense color, but there were no changes in the hue of the cheese. Adjusting the amount of lutein added to Prato cheese may lead to greater acceptance. The high recovery of lutein in the cheese and the fact that the hue remained unchanged during storage under light showed that the incorporation of lutein into Prato cheese is feasible from a technical point of view.
【 授权许可】


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