E3S Web of Conferences
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation for Designing Mooring Bitts Position at the Barge for Wave Energy Conversion (WEC)
Syarif Arief Irfan1  Prananda Juniarko1  Aria Pria Utama I Ketut2  Hantoro Ridho3  Muhammad Megawan Alfa4 
[1]Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
[2]Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
[3]Department of Physics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
[4]Operation and Management of Maritime Systems, Hochschule Wismar
关键词: floating;    mooring computational fluid dynamics;    motion hull;    ocean energy;    renewable energy;   
DOI  :  10.1051/e3sconf/202019000017
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Potential wave energy in Indonesia between 5 kW m–1 to 20 kW m–1 depending on-site location coastline. This research in ocean energy of Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) is wave activated body using the floating or motion hull due to kinetic and momentum energy from an ocean wave. The pendulum movement cause by a floating hull to drive the electric generator. The shape of the hull, displacement, and position point of the mooring line greatly influences the movement of the hull. This paper discusses how to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation can solve and determine the best mooring line position in the hull. Moreover, the shape of the hull at under waterline or drought has slope angle 45°, length overall 3 m, breadth 1.5 m, depth 2 m, and draft 0.65 m. One of the boundary conditions in the domain CFD, the direction of a wave from inlet boundary to starboard or port side using regular wave. The position both of mooring bitts are at forwarding perpendicular and after perpendicular. Three-position of mooring bitts that have simulated CFD: under the waterline, (ii) at the waterline, and (iii) up waterline. The result of simulation that the best position of mooring bitts is at the waterline.
【 授权许可】


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