Iranian Journal of Physics Research
Adiabatic pumping current in a graphene based normal-insulator-superconductor junction with Corbino disk structure
Babak Abdollahipour1  Elham Moomivand2  Ramin Mohammadkhani2 
[1] University of Tabriz;Zanjan University;
关键词: Graphene;    Adiabatic Quantum pumping;    Superconductor;    Corbino disk;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We investigate adiabatic pumping current in a graphene based normal-insulator-superconductor (NIS) junction with Corbino disk structure. The adiabatic pumping current is generated by two electrostatic potentials, oscillating periodically and out of phase, applied to the insulating and superconducting regions. Using the extended Brouwer’s formula for the adiabatic pumping current, which is based on the scattering theory, the pumping current is obtained. The results of this calculation show the pumped current oscillates as a function of the barrier strength and it has maximums at resonances with a π/2 phase shift in comparison to the planar NIS junction.

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