International Journal of Biomedicine
Mast Cells as the Target of the Biological Effects of Molecular Hydrogen in the Specific Tissue Microenvironment
Tatiana V. Samoilenko1  Lyubov N. Antakova1  Olga A. Gerasimova1  Pavel Yu. Andreev1  Evgeniy S. Ovsyannikov1  Victoria V. Shishkina1  Dmitry I. Esaulenko1  Dmitry A. Atiakshin1  Sara T. Magerramova1  Sofia A. Budnevskaya1 
[1] Voronezh state medical university named after N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia;
关键词: mast cell;    tryptase;    chymase;    specific tissue microenvironment;    molecular hydrogen;   
DOI  :  10.21103/Article12(2)_RA2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Mast cells (MCs) as key players in the development of both physiological and pathological processes in the organism can form a specific tissue microenvironment. Having a rich secretion of biologically active substances, MCs can secrete tryptase and/or chymase and thereby participate in the regulation of processes such as inflammation, neoangiogenesis, allergic reactions, and oncogenesis. Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) play an essential role in regulation of MC degranulation, shown in vitro and in vivo models. Application of molecular hydrogen as a substance with antioxidant characteristics pathogenically appears to be an important mechanism decreasing MC secretory activity, and, as a consequence, a novel option to reduce an inflammatory background in the specific tissue microenvironment.

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