International Productivity Monitor
ICT Production and Productivity in Sweden and Finland, 1975-2004
Daniel Lind1 
关键词: ericsson effect;    productivity;    business sector;    sweden;    finland;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This article compares the development of labour productivity in the Swedish and the Finnish business sectors and the role of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in this process. The results show that the Finnish productivity level has been converging towards the Swedish level, but that there is still a significant difference. This trend has coincided with the growing importance of the ICT sector, especially since the mid 1990s. Due to higher productivity and employment growth, the Finnish ICT sector has contributed to this convergence. This is explained by the electrical engineering industry. The Nokia effect has been stronger than the Ericsson effect.
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