Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice
Nevoia de instrumente și abordări adecvate. Teoria inoculării, un vaccin pentru fake news
关键词: fake news;    fact-checking;    inoculation theory;    counterintelligence;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article reconsiders the ways in which false news can be countered and proposes a new approach as a solution. The phenomenon of „fake news” is a large-scale one and this suggests a very important dispute for people’s minds. The hypothesis of the article is that all the ways tested so far to combat false news have a limited effect and that the solution, far from being a rational strategy, to correlate the news with the facts (fact-checking), is rather a subtle one, comparable to what which in espionage services is called counterintelligence. The methodological tools are the documentation, the reflective observation on the national media and the narrative analysis of the main volumes that approach the phenomenon of false news. The conclusion is that in order to start gaining ground against the spread of false news, we must consider the phenomenon as an information or psychological war and apply strategies borrowed from the arsenal of the secret services and social psychology.
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