Annals of the University of Craiova for Journalism, Communication and Management
Adina MOCANU1 
[1]Adhuc - Center for Research Theory, Gender and Sexuality, Barcelona, Spain
关键词: storytelling;    cinematic strategies;    advertising spot;    creative writing;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Advertising is the narrative and visual formula to persuade a person to buy a product. The idea of promoting a product is related to a context and a story about it. Therefore, audiovisual tools are used also to achieve this. What matters is not only the story, but also the visual effects that are used to tell that story. Therefore, in this article we will explore which are the ingredients to create a story in order to promote a product, and we will highlight narrative and cinematic strategies. We start from the idea that an advertisement in addition to bringing information about a product, provokes our feelings. To illustrate this statement, we will explore the commercials created by Leandro Raposo, creative director of the advertising company The Cyranos McCann, of course in collaboration with other advertisers. Regarding communication, we are aware that the presentation of a creative strategy does not involve a single person, it involves a team of people, but we consider it appropriate to follow the trajectory of this creative artistin relation to the changes and transformations in his creation and the collaborations with other creative writers.
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