Annals of Hepatology
Reversal of hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhotic patients with terlipressin plus albumin. First experience in Mexico
Eliud G. Alcalá1  José J. Segura2  Eduardo Mendoza2  Nathalie Y. Vázquez3  Manuel A. Martinez4  Susana Galindo4  Paula Cordero4  Linda E. Muñoz4 
[1]Correspondence and reprint request
[2]Gastroenterology Service.
[3]Internal Medicine Department.
[4]Liver Unit.
关键词: Hepatorenal syndrome;    Cirrhosis;    Terlipressin;    Albumin;    Serum creatinine;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Introduction. Type 1 hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a functional renal failure that complicates end-stage cirrhosis. The vasopressin analogue terlipressin has been associated with improved renal function in patients with type 1 HRS.Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of an infusion of terlipressin plus albumin in reversing type 1 HRS, its tolerability, and its adverse effects.Methods. Thirteen consecutive patients with cirrhosis and type 1 HRS were included in the study. All patients received terlipressin plus albumin as treatment for HRS. The patients were divided in two groups. Group 1 contained eight patients in whom HRS was reversed with treatment, who were classified as responders. Group 2 contained five patients who were nonresponders.Results.Sixty-one percent of the patients who received terlipressin plus albumin responded to therapy and underwent HRS reversal. In two patients, treatment with terlipressin was stopped because of adverse events. No relapse of HRS after terlipressin withdrawal was observed in this study.Conclusion.The rate of successful treatment with terlipressin plus albumin was 61%, similar to that in previously reported controlled trials. However, this is the first experience reported in Mexico. A cardiovascular evaluation is required before the start of treatment with terlipressin. This treatment appears to be an effective therapy for improving renal function in patients with type 1 HRS.
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