Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine
Ability of serum C-reactive protein and white blood cell cout in predicting acute schemic stroke. A short -term follow-up study
Reza Sohrabnejad1  Seyedeh-Parand Nabizadeh2  Seyed-Ali Roudbary2  Seddigheh Basir-Jafari2  Naghmeh Naderi-Asrami2  Babak Bakhshayesh-Eghbali2 
[1] Baboluniversity;Department of Neurology, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran;
关键词: C reactive protein;    Leukocytosis;    Ischemic Stroke;    Prognosis;    National institutes of health stroke scale;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
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