Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides
Les régimes hypolipidiques sont-ils utiles ?
关键词: low fat die;    obesity;    low carbohydrate diets;    glycemic index;    mediterranean diet;   
DOI  :  10.1051/ocl.2008.0167
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

When a low fat diet is implemented with no a priori intention to reduce body-weight, a 2-3 kg weight loss occurs in many population (obese and non obese, men and women). Whether this effect is sustained in the long term is still a matter of debate. Low fat diets are accompanied by an unfavorable plasma lipid profile (higher triglycerides, lower HDL-cholesterol). This side effect is counter-balanced when a significant weight loss occurs. Low carbohydrate diets (high in fat) induce a greater weight loss that low fat diets, with a more favorable plasma lipid profile. Whether this effect is sustained after 6 months is still a matter of debate. More data on the benefits in the number of cardio-vascular events are needed. The substitution of carbohydrates by proteins is only beneficial on plasma lipid profile if the Glycemic index of the diet is low. The Mediterranean diet has shown significant advantages on mortality, cancer incidence, or cardio-vascular events but has not proved to elicit a positive effect on body weight. However this latter diet combines many more qualitative or quantitative changes than merely a drop in the proportion in body fat.

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