Сибирское юридическое обозрение
Some Administrative and Legal Issues to Ensurethe Independence of Judges
T. V. Faroi1 
[1] Kuban State University;
关键词: russian federation;    law;    authority;    judicial system;    chairmen of courts and their deputies;    independence of judges;    qualification boards of judges;    legal scholars;   
DOI  :  10.19073/2306-1340-2018-15-4-400-405
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article deals with issues related to the independence of the judiciary in the Russian Federation. The Author analyzes various aspects of the dependence of judges on the chairmen of the courts and their deputies, on the administrative system of the courts. It is noted that the majority of legal scholars believe that the established procedure for appointment, terms of tenure of chairmen of courts and their deputies, the possibility of their reappointment create conditions for their influence on the part of legislative and executive authorities, as well as for abuses by chairmen of courts and their deputies. Various solutions to the problem of the independence of judges, proposed by Russian lawyers, have been investigated. The author concludes that there can be no independent judiciary when there is a rigid power vertical in the courts. Therefore, within the framework of judicial reform, scientists have proposed specific and understandable measures for the population and the judicial community, primarily of a legislative nature, to solve the designated problem.

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