Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez
La figura de San Juan Bautista en el Guzmán de Alfarache
关键词: Alemán Mateo;    Contrarreforma;    Franciscanismo;    Guzmán de Alfarache;    Juan Bautista San;   
DOI  :  10.4000/mcv.276
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article first analyses the novel promotion of St. John the Baptist in post-Trent religiosity then goes on to show how the penitential significance of the Precursor was particularly a product of Franciscan messianism, which tended to cultivate Atalayist positions. In this context — one much to the taste of Mateo Alemán, who was fulsome in his praise of the Franciscans — the article analyses the two principal sequences in Guzmán (the tale of Bonifacio and Dorotea and the controversial dénouement on board the galley), where «the day of St. John the Baptist» comes to the fore as an important, not to say crucial, element in the «poetic history» of the galley slave/writer. Finally, this symbolic dimension of the Atalaya is examined in relation to the emblematic «self-portrait» commissioned by the author from P. Perret to mark the publication of the First part of Guzmán de Alfarache.

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