Stroitel’stvo: Nauka i Obrazovanie | |
5d modeling of a chain conveyor with the help of compas-3d software 5d моделирование цепного транспортера в системе КОМПАС-3d | |
关键词: chain conveyor; concurrent engineering; 3D model; 5D modeling; цепной транспортер; 5D моделирование; комплексное проектирование; строительные машины; транспортер; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The methodology of concurrent engineering and research of products at initial stages of their design is provided in the article. The proposed methodology contemplates several stages: development of a 3D model of a product accompanied by its structural design analysis, the engineering analysis, including the dynamic analysis of a product (+1D) and research of its deflected mode (+1D). The proposed procedure may be entitled as "5D Product Modeling". Concurrent engineering and research of a product improves the efficiency and the quality of design, while the number of errors goes down at the initial stages of design development of any mechanical system. 3D model of a chain conveyor was developed on the basis of one of the most widely spread systems of computer-aided design - COMPAS-3D software developed by ASKON company. Static, kinematic, and dynamic analyses, associated with the chain conveyor, were performed with the help of the Universal Mechanism Express system integrated into COMPAS-3D software. Analysis of the deflected mode of the chain conveyor joints exposed to maximal loads was performed with the help of APN FED software integrated into COMPAS-3D software. APN FED software was used to simulate various loads, to simulate various limit conditions, to generate a mesh of finite elements and to perform the final calculations. One dynamic and one refined mathematical model of the drive and of the whole chain conveyor were developed to verify the adequacy of the research performed within the framework of the project in question. Dynamic loads applicable to elements of the chain conveyor were identified through the employment of MathCAD software.
Изложена методика комплексного проектирования и исследования изделия на ранних этапах проектирования. Эта методика включает ряд этапов: создание трехмерной модели изделия (3D) с проведением соответствующих конструкторских расчетов, проведение инженерного анализа, включающего динамический анализа изделия (+1D) и исследование его НДС (+1D). Этот процесс можно наз��ать 5D моделированием изделия. Комплексное проектирование и исследование изделия обеспечивает повышения эффективности и качества проектирования изделий и кардинальное снижение ошибок на самых ранних этапах проектирования любой механической системы.
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