Majallah-i ̒Ilmī-i Dānishgāh-i ̒Ulūm-i Pizishkī-i Simnān
Similar efficacy of vancomycin and teicoplanin in treatment of catheter related infection in hemodialysis patients
关键词: Teicoplanin;    Vancomycin;    Catheter-related infections;    Renal dialysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Introduction: Catheter related infection is one of the most important complications of vascular accessdevices. Treatment of these complications is important and life saving. The most common causativeorganisms are gram-positive bacteria especially staphylococcus. Vancomycin and teicoplanin are twoantibiotics which widely used for invasive beta-lactam-resistant Gram-positive infections. In this study, weaimed to compare efficacy of vancomycin and teicoplanin in treatment of catheter related infection.Material and Methods: In this clinical trial, 43 patients with catheter infection were enrolled. Diagnosiswas based on clinical criteria. 22 patients were received teicoplanin 800mg intra-venous loading dose and400mg at days 2th, 3th,5th,12th,19th and 21 patients received vancomycin 1gr intra venous loading dose and500mg every 5 days and for 3 weeks. A criterion for treatment response was absence of fever after 72hours.Results: %57.1 patients who received vancomycin and %68.2 patients who received teicoplanin hadclinical response (p=0.454). In patients who received vancomycin, one case developed red man syndromeand one case developed diarrhea (9.5%) and in tiecoplanin group one patient developed rash (9.1%).Conclusion: Our findings show that there is no significant difference between two groups intreatment of catheter related infection in hemodialysis patients
【 授权许可】


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