Journal of Open Research Software | |
An Open Framework for the Reproducible Study of the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma | |
Georgios Koutsovoulos1 Jochen Müller2 Owen Campbell2 Kristian Glass2 Karl Molden2 Martin Chorley3 Karol Langner4 Timothy Standen4 Piotr Petunov4 Thomas Campbell4 Tomáš Ehrlich5 Geraint Palmer6 Marc Harper6 Nikoleta Glynatsi6 Holly Tibble6 Martin Jones6 Cameron Davidson-Pilon6 Alex Carney6 James Campbell6 Paul Slavin6 Luis Visintini6 Vincent Knight6 | |
[1] Cardiff Universit;Cardiff University;Google Inc., Mountain View, CA;Not affiliated;St. Nicholas Catholic High School, Hartford;Development; | |
关键词: Game Theory; Prisoners Dilemma; Python; | |
DOI : 10.5334/jors.125 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The Axelrod library is an open source Python package that allows for reproducible game theoretic research into the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. This area of research began in the 1980s but suffers from a lack of documentation and test code. The goal of the library is to provide such a resource, with facilities for the design of new strategies and interactions between them, as well as conducting tournaments and ecological simulations for populations of strategies. With a growing collection of 139 strategies, the library is a also a platform for an original tournament that, in itself, is of interest to the game theoretic community. This paper describes the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, the Axelrod library and its development, and insights gained from some novel research.
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