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Development of the National Economy under the Influence of Global Tendencies
Maksymenko Iana A.1 
[1]National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
关键词: economic development;    innovations;    integration;    globalization;    international trade;    exports;    imports;   
DOI  :  10.32983/2222-4459-2019-3-26-31
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article examines the problems of economic development of the national economy under the influence of modern global tendencies. The current status of economic development in Ukraine is analyzed in the context of implementation of the Strategy of sustainable development «Ukraine-2020», identifying several problems in this sphere. The place of Ukraine in the World Bank’s «Doing Business» rating and in the World’s Global Competitiveness Index according to the World Economic Forum calculations is displayed. The indicators of GDP per capita as to the purchasing power parity in accordance with calculations of the World Bank are analyzed, also the indicators of exports, imports, their commodity structure. The role of innovation in ensuring economic development is shown. The need for inclusive development is underlined. The complex task is formulated, which consists in the most efficient realization of own potential of the country, obtaining advantages from full cooperation with other world countries, and also leveling of negative effects from the impacts of global trends.
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