‫سیاست متعالیه‏
The Status of National Identity in Iran
Mohammad Ali Qasemi Torki1  Farshid Delmaqani2 
[1] استادیار دانشگاه بوعلی سینا;دانشجوی دکتری سیاستگذاری فرهنگی دانشگاه بینالمللی امام رضا(ع);
关键词: National identity;    Policy-maker of Identity;    Iran;    Islam;    Nationalism;    Intellectual;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Consideration of “National Identity of Iranians” is a modern phenomenon which has been studied gradually after Iran’s relations with the west as by-product of national self-awareness in relation to historical accumulation of economic, political and cultural experiences of a land called Iran. The present research deals with of identity issues of pre-1320 (1941) Iran descriptively and analytically, historical approach and by applying library tools and internet. Hypothesis of research says although Iran’s civilization is ancient and sense of patriotism has persisted in some Iranians in different scales in the course of history, consideration of national identity in Iran predates the constitutional era; therefore, what existed in Iran more than this history had been cultural-social identity. Studying the historical evolution of national identity in Iran, since the constitutional era, represents westernized and ancient-prone identity models before 1320 (1941).

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