Recycling Paper Recycling
Martin A. Hubbe1 
[1]North Carolina State University, College of Natural Resources, Dept. of Forest Biomaterials
关键词: Paper recycling;    Recovered fibers;    Deinking;   
DOI  :  10.15376/biores.9.2.1828-1829
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
What do you do after a product has served its function and is no longer needed? Ideally, you recycle it. What do you do if people have neglected or forgotten so much of what has been learned in recent years about paper recycling? Well, one of the things that someone can do is to write a book. Very little of the contents of such a book may be new. But the book itself can be highly valuable, representing a lot of effort to select and organized material that will be helpful for the current and upcoming generations of papermaking technologists. This editorial describes a new book by Dr. Pratima Bajpai entitled Recycling and Deinking of Recovered Paper. Readers who deal with the recycling of paper will probably want to have a copy of it on a handy shelf.
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