Etnoantropološki Problemi
The urgency of outer territories anthropology
Miloš Milenković1 
[1] Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia;
关键词: urgent anthropology;    collaborative ethnography;    politics of knowledge;    identity politics;    Serbia;    national interests;   
DOI  :  10.21301/eap.v4i1.11
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the con­text of tran­sfor­ming a part of Ser­bian anthro­po­logy in­to so­cial the­o­re­tic ma­na­ge­ment of iden­tity, I sug­gest both com­pa­ra­ti­ve hi­sto­ri­o­grap­hic and et­hno­grap­hic le­ar­ning from so­ci­e­ti­es with si­mi­lar post-co­lo­nial ex­pe­ri­en­ce, with the aim to in­clu­de the di­sci­pli­ne in­to an ur­gent de­fen­se of Ser­bia and Bel­gra­de from furt­her et­hno-pro­fi­te­e­ring in­te­rests of eli­tes in/from outer ter­ri­to­ri­es, left over on the ru­ins of our ill jud­ged, re­so­ur­ce in­com­pa­ti­ble, exag­ge­ra­ted or im­mo­ral twen­ti­eth cen­tury adven­tu­res. Ser­bian anthro­po­logy, writ­ten by anthro­po­lo­gists to whom Ser­bia and Bel­gra­de are "ho­me­land" by ori­gin or ci­vi­li­zed cho­i­ce, sho­uld play the key ro­le in the de­fen­se of Ser­bian ci­ti­zens from the in­te­rest of eli­tes in/from the outer "ho­me­lands", par­ti­cu­larly by re­ve­a­ling the pro­ces­ses for which it is, as a di­sci­pli­ne, most ex­pert at – the pro­fes­si­o­na­li­za­tion of et­hni­city, in­ter­ac­ti­ve and hybrid na­tu­re of iden­tity, in­stru­men­tal na­tu­re of tra­di­tion and the iden­tity po­li­tics in ge­ne­ral. Ha­ving in mind the la­test at­tempt, a par­ti­cu­larly suc­cessful one, con­duc­ted by the end of the 20th and the be­gin­ning of the 21st cen­tury that the li­ves, he­alth, well-be­ing, dig­nity and fu­tu­re of per­sons born in and loyal to the in­te­rest of Ser­bia and Bel­gra­de, in lar­ge sca­le, tho­ro­ughly and long term be sac­ri­fi­ced and de­di­ca­ted to the in­te­rests of et­hno-pro­fi­te­e­ring eli­tes in/from outer ter­ri­to­ri­es, in this ar­tic­le I po­int to the pos­si­bi­lity to, along with the com­pa­ra­ti­ve le­ar­ning from the abo­ve men­ti­o­ned post-co­lo­nial ex­pe­ri­en­ces, de­li­ca­te ex­pe­ri­en­ces of ur­gent anthro­po­logy be ap­plied as well as the rich tra­di­tion of col­lec­ti­ve re­se­arch. This text analyzes the re­sults of first such re­se­arch, that re­pre­senst the ini­tial, pra­i­se­worthy and a bra­ve step in the wi­se stri­ving to en­ga­ge so­cial sci­en­ces and hu­ma­ni­ti­es in a se­arch of ex­pert and not mythi­cal/daily-po­li­ti­cal so­lu­ti­ons of the key pro­blem of the Ser­bian na­tion – that of how to set­tle the in­te­rests of the eli­tes of po­pu­la­tion in/from outer ter­ri­to­ri­es suf­fi­ci­ently so that the­ir lo­cal/re­gi­o­nal pro­blems or pri­va­te in­te­rests can ne­ver again be tre­a­ted as the na­ti­o­nal in­te­rest, nor be used as re­a­sons for (self)de­struc­tion and(self)hu­mi­li­a­tion of Ser­bia and Bel­gra­de. 

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