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Quality of Life as a Concept in the Modern Society
Natalia Vladimirovna Batsun1 
[1]Irkutsk State Technical University
关键词: quality of life;    modern society;   
DOI  :  10.24917/20801653.22.7
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
By now, neither socialist planned economy, nor market economy, nor the noble public environmental movements have brought reliable instruments of managing ecological aspects of the quality of life. Perhaps, it would be helpful to try to use here the methods of the concept of total quality management, so popular in business management. The main aspects of the quality of life management deriving from quality management positions are: priority of consumer requirements, which in our case means that when evaluating any projects, human interests must be considered higher than any system interests; priority of quality, which means rejecting such alternative options as the “consumer society” concept and radically ecological one, and leads to considering life period expectancy as the main target index; managing processes, not product specific- quality; involvement of all the personnel of organization (the whole population); huge role of continuous training; formalization of input and output control, including standardization and certification procedures.
【 授权许可】


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