International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science
A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance and a Model Suggestion
关键词: Business;    Culture;    Performance;    Organization;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Organizational culture is defined as set of goals and values shared by employees in the organization. Recently it has also come to be perceived as a resource of knowledge in the organization. In the literature, along with the studies aiming at identifying the elements of organizational culture, there are some research that study the relationship between organizational culture and performance. This article is a theoretical study of the two concepts and suggests a research model for further research. Recently, knowledge management and innovation strategy have started to be regarded as features of organizational culture. Research shows that these two variables also have significant impacts on organizational performance. Our model suggests measuring the effect of organizational culture on performance along with the supportive impacts of knowledge management and innovation strategy.

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