BMC Medical Education
The MD-PhD program in Geneva: a 10-year analysis of graduate demographics and outcomes
Cristophe Combescure1  Francesco Negro2  Andre Dos Santos Rocha3 
[1]Division of Clinical Epidemiology, University Hospitals of Geneva
[2]MD-PhD Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
[3]Unit for Anaesthesiological Investigations, Department of Acute Medicine, University of Geneva
关键词: Physician-scientist;    MD-PhD;    Medical research;    Clinical research;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12909-020-02364-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background MD-PhD programs confer degrees that empower medical doctors with in-depth scientific skills to contribute to biomedical research and academic medicine, alongside clinical practice. Whilst the career options and research opportunities related to graduates following these programs in the US are well documented, little is known about their European counterparts. In this article, we studied graduates who had completed the MD-PhD program at the University of Geneva between 2010 and 2019. Methods A cross-sectional survey was performed in April 2019, targeting all medical doctors who had obtained the MD-PhD degree from the University of Geneva since 2010. Demographics, opinions, and career outcomes of the MD-PhD graduates were assessed through an online anonymous questionnaire. Results Twenty-one questionnaires were collected from 31 MD-PhD graduates (response rate 65.5%). Most respondents (57.1%) had performed an MD-PhD training in basic sciences; however, only 14.3% had pursued this type of research thereafter. Most of the respondents held a position at a University hospital (90.5%), although a significant number of them were no longer involved in research in their current position (28.6%). 85.7% mentioned obstacles and challenges in combining clinical duties with research. Despite this, the majority (85.7%) declared that the MD-PhD degree had given them advantages in their career path, granting access to clinical and academic positions, as well as funding. Conclusions Graduates from the MD-PhD program in Geneva were for the most part, satisfied with their training. However, because of the challenges and obstacles in combining clinical duties with research, the implementation of research activities in their current position proved difficult.
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