Geodetski Vestnik | |
Geodetska dejavnost in enotni trg Eu –prijatelja ali sovražnika? ; Cadastral surveying and Eu single market – friends or foes? | |
关键词: enotni trg EU; geodeti; svoboda gibanja delavcev; prosti pretok storitev; svoboda ustanavljanja; EU single market; cadastral surveyors; free movement of workers; free provision of services; freedom of establishment; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
V članku je obravnavana geodetska dejavnost glede na pravna načela enotnega trga EU. Dvajset let po njegovi vzpostavitvi namreč še vedno ni jasno, koliko njegova načela veljajo tudi za geodetsko dejavnost. Članek pojasnjuje temeljna pravna načela enotnega trga EU, v ta okvir umešča posebno naravo geodetske dejavnosti, ki je tako raznovrstna, da načela enotnega trga ponekod veljajo, drugod pa spet ne. V zadnjem delu avtorica presoja, kako slovenski Zakon o geodetski dejavnosti (ZgeoD-1) vzpostavlja kompromis med zaščito nacionalnih interesov na geodetskem področju, varstvom strank in prednostmi enotnega trga EU ; This article discusses cadastral surveying activities in the light of EU single market principles. Twenty years after its completion, it is still unclear to what extent these principles apply, including for the cadastral surveying activities. This article explains the fundamental legal principles of the EU single market and assesses the specific nature of cadastral surveying, which is partly excluded from and partly subject to the single market principles. In the last part of the article, the author assesses how the Slovenian Land Survey Service Act (ZgeoD-1) establishes a compromise between protection of national interests in cadastral surveying, the protection of clients and the advantages of the EU single market.
【 授权许可】