Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems
Development approach of a programmable and open software package for power system frequency response calculation
Huadong Sun1  Hengxu Zhang2  Changgang Li2  Yuzheng Xie2 
[1] China Electric Power Research Institute;Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of the Ministry of Education (Shandong University);
关键词: Frequency response;    Frequency control;    Software engineering;    Under-frequency load shedding;    Transient frequency deviation security;    Power systems;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41601-017-0045-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Dynamic behaviour of frequency is crucial for power system operation and control. Several frequency response models have been proposed to reveal frequency dynamics from different aspects. A comprehensive software package incorporating major frequency response models is needed for analysis and control of power system frequency dynamics. In this paper, an approach for developing a programmable and open software package for frequency response studies is proposed. The framework of the package is extendable with reduced frequency response models. Essential models for frequency response study are included, e.g., generator, load, and under-frequency load shedding (UFLS). The provided application program interfaces (APIs) enable simulation with high-level languages by calling dynamic link library and makes the package programmable. An advanced application module is developed for quantitative assessment of transient frequency deviation. APIs can also be used for model extension and secondary development. To demonstrate the usage of the package, several examples are illustrated to explain how to perform simulations with the package, and to perform advanced applications using scripting with the provided APIs.

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