Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Marine Dual-Fuel Engines Power Smart Management by Hybrid Turbocharging Systems
Luigia Mocerino1  Flavio Balsamo1  Marco Altosole1  Ugo Campora2 
[1] Department of Industrial Engineering (DII), School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”, 80125 Naples, Italy;Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering (DIME), Polytechnic School University of Genoa, 16145 Genoa, Italy;
关键词: marine engine;    dual fuel;    hybrid turbocharger;    power management;    efficiency;    simulation;   
DOI  :  10.3390/jmse9060663
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The performance of a marine dual-fuel engine, equipped with an innovative hybrid turbocharger producing electric power to satisfy part of the ship’s electric load, is presented by a simulation comparison with the traditional turbocharging technology. The two distinct fuel types, combined with the hybrid turbocharger, involve a substantial change in the engine control modes, resulting in more flexible and efficient power management. Therefore, the investigation requires a numerical analysis depending on the engine load variation, in both fuelling modes, to highlight different behaviours. In detail, a dual-fuel engine simulation model is validated for a particular application in order to perform a complete comparison, reported in tabular and graphical form, between the two examined turbocharging solutions. The simulation analysis is presented in terms of the engine working data and overall energy conversion efficiency.

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