Health Equity
Effectively Addressing Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disparities Affecting US Black Women
Madeline Y. Sutton1  Erin L.P. Bradley1  Donna Hubbard McCree1  Angelica Geter1  Ashley C. Lima1 
[1]Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Centers for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
关键词: black/African American women;    health disparity;    health equity;    HIV/AIDS;    social determinants;    United States;   
DOI  :  10.1089/HEQ.2018.0038
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Black women have disproportionately higher rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and low percentages being linked to care and becoming virally suppressed, compared with women of other races/ethnicities. To date, few evidence-based HIV prevention and care interventions tailored for black women exist. We highlight three essential factors to consider in designing culturally and gender-appropriate studies to address HIV-related disparities affecting black women: (1) social determinants of HIV risk, (2) determinants of equity, and (3) perceptions of black women's sexuality. Synergy between a strong evidence base and developing strong partnerships could accelerate progress toward HIV-related health equity for black women.
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