Contextus | |
Decision of the firm's vertical boundaries: Considerations on complementarity | |
Bianca Jupiara Fortes1 José Paulo de Souza1 | |
[1] Universityof Maringá(UEM); | |
关键词: vertical integration; transaction costs; measurement costs; resource-based view; complementarity; | |
DOI : 10.19094/contextus.2020.43903 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Thisessayaimedtopresentasanapproachguidedbypropositionsoftheoretical complementarityofTransactionCostsTheory(TCT);MeasurementCosts(MCT)and Resource-Based View (RBV), can support the understanding of the adoption of the vertical integrationgovernancestructure.Therefore,wesoughttoproposeatheoreticalscheme, based on a qualitative approach based on the concept of complementarity. It wasfound that the transaction of highly specific assets (TCT) and difficult to measure (MCT) justify vertical integration, but the theory of RBV, points out that the choice of agents also depends on the availabilityofcapacitiesandresources.Thus,theformulationofthistheoreticalproposal seeks tocontribute to theempirical analysis of the productionchains considering organizational and strategic aspects.
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