MATEC Web of Conferences
Analysis of geometric factors for an X-ray fluorescence analyzer designed via the Monte Carlo method
Hu Xiang1  Zhou Zihang1  Lu Chengwei1  Liu Hefan1  Tian Hong1  Zhou Laidong1  Huang Fengxia1  Zeng Guoqiang2 
[1] Chengdu Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Chengdu University of Technology;
关键词: Geometric factors;    X-ray fluorescence analyzer;    Monte Carlo method;    MCNP code;   
DOI  :  10.1051/matecconf/20166101008
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a theoretical study on the design of an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. The relative geometric positions of the analyzer’s source, detector and specimen are emphasized, which impacts the analyte’s characteristic X-ray fluorescence counts. The theoretical formula for the X-ray fluorescence intensity was derived. The geometric factors (angle and distance) were simulated using Monte Carlo Neutron-Particle Transport Code MCNP5. The Cu’s X-ray characteristic peak counts were calculated. These Monte Carlo model calculations analyzed two types of geometry changes. The best geometric positions for the XRF analyzer had the incident angle for the excitation source (β) equivalent to the exit angle for the specimen’s characteristic X-ray (β). The maximal characteristic X-ray peak counts were obtained when α and β were orthogonal, and the minimum counts were obtained when parallel. To increase the fluorescence counts, the source and detector should be set as close to the specimen as possible. This method and these conclusions can provide technical guidance for designing XRF analyzers.

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