Annals of the University of Petrosani: Economics
关键词: competition environment;    antitrust norm;    economic concentration;    state aid;    regional aid;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

For realizing the paper “Economic Competition Environment in European Union”, I considered the analysis of antitrust norms appliance, the economic concentration control and the control of state aids in the European Union. From the beginning of the global financial crisis, in the autumn of 2008, the European Commission has offered detailed orientations concerning criteria’s of establishing the compatibility of temporal aid measures in the context of crisis in favor of financial institutions, in the base of the article 108, paragraph 3, letter B from the Treaty concerning the functionality of European Union, under the form of state guarantees, of recapitalizations or measures for saving the actives, but also orientations concerning the restructuring measures necessary for banks that are in difficulty. By applying the norms concerning the state aids, the European Commission ensured a limitation at the minimum of competition degradation in the internal markets, despite the important sums of state aid, and restructuration of beneficiary banks, after case.

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