Energy Informatics
E-Mobility Systems Architecture: a model-based framework for managing complexity and interoperability
Philipp Danner1  Benedikt Kirpes2  Christian Becker2  Hermann de Meer3  Robert Basmadjian3 
[1] Bayernwerk AG;University of Mannheim;University of Passau;
关键词: E-Mobility;    Electric Vehicles;    Systems Architecture;    Information Systems;    Interoperability;    Complex Systems;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42162-019-0072-4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract The future of e-mobility will consist of a large number of connected electric vehicles, smart charging stations and information systems at the intersection of electricity and mobility sector. When engineering and integrating the multitude of systems into even more complex systems-of-systems for e-mobility, interoperability and complexity handling are vital. Model-based system architectures support the engineering process of information systems with the concepts of abstraction, reduction and separation of concerns. In this paper, we contribute to the research body, by extracting requirements for managing complexity and interoperability of these systems. Further, a comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art in existing architecture models and frameworks for e-mobility is conducted. Based on the identified gaps in existing research, we propose the E-Mobility Systems Architecture (EMSA) Model, a three-dimensional systems architecture model for the e-mobility sector. Its structure originates from the well-established Smart Grid Architecture Model. We further allocate all relevant entities from the e-mobility sector to the EMSA dimensions, including a harmonized role model, functional reference architecture, component and systems allocation, as well as a mapping of data standards and communication protocols. The model then is validated qualitatively and quantitatively against the requirements with a case study approach. Our evaluation shows that the EMSA Model fulfills all requirements regarding the management of complexity and ensuring interoperability. From the case study, we further identify gaps in current data model standardization for e-mobility.

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