International Economic Policy
Stabilization policy for socio-economic cohesion. Conclusions from experiences of Poland in the context of the crisis in the years 2008 – 2010
关键词: Economic development;    socio-economic policy;    economic situation;    the Polish economy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The author of the article has expounded the impact of the 2008-2009 crisis on the economies of Poland and Ukraine from the economic policy perspective. The hypothesis here presented demonstrates that, even in times of crisis, the economic policies ought to comply with the requirements of integrated development. The Polish author has, based on experience, proven that an alternative counter crisis policy that does not undermine premises for long-term development but serves to strengthen socio-economic coherence is tenable. This alternative policy requires: respect for the principles of equitable sharing of the costs of the crisis and intergenerational justice and the subsidiary principle, coherent short-and long-term instruments aimed at eliminating threats to development, active, coherent macro- and micro-economic counter crisis policy that comply with the tenets of sound public finances, ensuring optimum, for integrated development, relationship between household and private sector expenditures and public expenditures, integrating all social groups around counter crisis policies as well as threats to integrated development.

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