Sensors & Transducers
Study on Ultrasonic Source System Using Acoustic Waveguide: Simulation of 2D Acoustic Fields
Shinichi TAKEUCHI1  Shigeru IGARASHI2 
[1] Toin University of Yokohama, 1614 Kurogane-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 225-8502, Japan;Polytechnic University, 2-32-1 Ogawa-nishimachi, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo, 187-0035, Japan ;
关键词: Acoustic waveguide;    Piezoelectric transducer;    Ultrasonic acoustic field;    Nonlinear calibration;    2D acoustic field simulation.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We propose a system for generating and controlling an ultrasonic acoustic field using multiple acoustic waveguides and piezoelectric transducers. This system can be used as a high- power ultrasonic source for nonlinear calibration of hydrophones. In the system, ultrasonic waves are emitted from multiple transducers with controlled transmission delays, and the acoustic power is increased through acoustic waveguides before being output, this allows synthesis and control of ultrasonic acoustic fields. We simulated the proposed system as a two-dimensional acoustic field in which the computed output acoustic pressure determines the basic shape of the acoustic waveguide. The proposed system of five transmitting transducers and five acoustic waveguides was compared with a single transmitting transducer, and the results showed a peak acoustic pressure of 1.5-fold increase value at the same beam width.

【 授权许可】


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